fray myste.

once more, I will return to your heart.when you fight to protect the world...
I will be your tears, & your anger,
& your strength.
so... let's go on an adventure.


Golden eyes shining beneath a daunting barbut, Fray is almost always seen cloaked in metal and leather—an ensemble fitting his intimidating presence. He rarely shows what lies beneath, preferring to conceal his true appearance... though stray shadowy-black hair and scarred, dark skin can be visible beneath his armour.
Fray's words are muted, gravelly and warm—yet he speaks his opinions loudly, determined to speak for himself and those who can't speak with their own voice. Wry sense of humour and steely exterior besides, he is markedly blunt, yet affectionate—intent on softening the hurt in his loved ones in any way he can.
He hides his own history & secrets behind his mask, deflecting any prying with a snarky quip. Instead of opening up, he translates his hurt into passion—overwhelming, burning with the urge to protect and cherish those he holds dear... at whatever the cost. As long as those he loves still live, no cost is too great—or too painful.

Know that when you tire of this charade,
I shall be here… waiting to take the reins.
You need only ask...

NAME.Fray Myste
ALIASES.The Onyx Shade
SPECIES.Midlander Hyur
GENDER.Transmasc (he/they)
AGE.Late Twenties
NAMEDAY.25th Sun; 5th Umbral Moon
ALIGNMENT.INFJ-T / Chaotic Neutral
HOMETOWN.Ishgard / The Thirteenth
OCCUPATION.Independent Dark Knight

Determination burns bright within him—possessing an unshakeable will and a strong voice of reason, his master described him as a "frozen lake"... cold exterior hiding warmth, receptive and fiercely loyal—yet dangerous in his depths. His prowess in battle as both defender and healer speaks volumes to his dedication to protect.
His vengeful tendencies are no secret, yet he's known to be extremely self-sacrificing and keeps his true feelings close to his chest. Despite his strong will, his emotions often get the better of him at inopportune times—he cares too much for his own good, for better or worse.
Brash and truthful to a fault, he simultaneously preaches openness in others while isolating himself in the same breath.

Final Fantasy XIV NPC Character (DRK quests)
Character & Player are both 21+


≫ fray lives—warrior of light au
Born in the Thirteenth, Fray was one of the Warriors of Light who awakened to the echo as a child too late to save his dying world. Before the shard succumbed to darkness, he was sucked into a hole torn into the rift, drifting alone in the void... until, drawn to his familiar soul, an Ascian came to his rescue and spirited him away to the Source. It may have been mere days for Fray, yet due to fluctuations in the rift between worlds, he arrived in the Source in Ishgard around the time when Nidhogg resumed his vengeance against the city—thousands of years later.Originally, Fray wanted to become stronger so he could return home and save his world, but after learning that the Thirteenth had already fallen due to his late arrival, he withdrew into himself and sought solace in the Brume along with the other orphaned children. He was content in his misery for a while, until a fellow Brume boy he was close to was executed by the Temple Knights, citing heresy. He flew into a cold rage, and was plotting revenge when Ompagne found him, and offered to teach him in the ways of the dark knight.After experiencing his own world's death and coming to the Source to witness its own horrors, Fray came to the conclusion that while his own home was beyond saving, he could possibly make a difference in his new home. So he agreed, and started studying under his new master and his fellow apprentice, Sidurgu.His desire to help those close to him aided him well in his studies, and he picked up on both the research & physical aspects of his training quickly and eagerly. Picking up conjury and learning healing magic alongside his dark knight studies was an easy decision for him, as his inner desire to save those he loved was still as strong as ever.His echo allowed him to hear the whispers of others' souls, which served to aid him in his duties. Fray grew into a strong and respectable dark knight in time, and continued to find ways to prove himself and challenge those who wronged others around him.However, his escapades would soon catch up with him—after rescuing Rielle, Fray was captured by her pursuers and dragged to the Tribunal for trial by combat. Fighting with righteous anger and everything he had learned from Ompagne, it still wasn't enough to fell his opponent. Cut down and his body thrown into the Brume, he laid there, bleeding and prone, slowly slipping away from the mortal coil. Dismayed and desperate, his soul burned, clinging onto the last vestiges of consciousness; his Crystal of Light cracking apart as it was stained red with his blood.Fray felt himself fading, his body growing colder as his mind was slowly overtaken by the abyss; until a familiar, yet wholly new soul called out to him. This soul was different, its anger and rage threatening to overtake it, yet a different part of the soul was calling out desperately—hopeless yelling falling on deaf ears, wanting only to be free of its burden. He saw it as a way out, a cry for help that only he could hear; a one-way ticket to cheat death and live on in another.However, merging his soul with another's could warp his mind, could harm his soul and his host's, or have other unforeseen consequences......In the end, his mind was already made up. It was made up the moment he lost everything to the Void.He took the plunge.

≫ drk quests—birth of esteem
One second, he was gone—the next, they miraculously drew breath. Their first few moments were a blur of disoriented thoughts; myriad visions flowed together in their mind, blending into something wholly new, yet intimately familiar. Through the haze of memories clouding their thoughts, they knew one immutable fact.Fray Myste was dead.They didn't have time to mourn for the man they once were, as desperation unyielding clung to their heart; aether not their own giving life and thought and emotion—so much emotion. The innermost conviction of a hero, hope crushed by deception and hatred and sadness, the soul itself crying out to be heard, pleading... the pain at being ignored was what fueled them now.They gazed down at the hero kneeling at their feet, the very being who gave them life, and smiled.They needed a teacher, a teacher versed in the ways of justice—Fray could be that for them. The memories of years of training was fresh in their mind (the words Fray's mentor once spoke, most of all... A heart bleeds, a man weeps, a soul burns. Thence comes the darkness, to consume... yet even in the depths, the flame endures. Submit to the flame and harness the abyss). In doing so, perhaps... perhaps they could convey to the hero their pain, finally reach them with their unheard screams. Maybe, for once, their champion could accept them; accept their suffering, their love... and be free.That's all they have ever wanted, after all.They were given this chance, this chance that the original Fray gave them after his passing—his memories were their own, and they would not squander them. They had a voice now, after so long, and they would be heard.For that, they would become what their hero needed... their shade in the light.


When our end comes,
I shall welcome it with open arms...

playlist twitter/x lodestone lalachievements

...but today will not be the day,
& you will not be the judge!


I love you more than you'll ever know. Be well.

OOC.Deltheor (Del, Fray)
. he/him, 21+
IN-GAME.Fray Myste @ Faerie
.Empyrium; Ward 15, Plot 35
AVAILABILITY.most nights & weekends (EST)

I love the DRK quests to death, I have a lot of appreciation for them. My headcanons revolving around Fray range from canon musings to personal thoughts about their character (my interpretation of them is a mix of the ENG & JPN translations of the quests). I play on console, so sometimes I have difficulty talking ingame because I don't have my keyboard on me, or I'm AFK if you catch me in The Forgotten Knight in Ishgard. I appreciate any interactions ingame regardless! That being said, I can have a difficult time keeping up with messages both in-game and out-of-game due to my work schedule & other responsibilities. If I missed a message, I promise I am not ignoring you - feel free to ping me again. I appreciate the patience.

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